
Kid Fit

Saturday, March 1, 2025 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM

Kit Fit is an hour -long class that incorporates exercise and nutrition in a safe, fun and non-intimidating format. Our program is designed to help give children confidence in their physical abilities, increase their motor skills and give them a head start on understanding the importance of leading a healthy lifestyle. The class is designed for kids 6 to 12 years of age. Pediatrician, Jude Cauwenbergh, DO will be attending the Saturday morning classes whenever possible. Classes are $3. Discounts are available for multiple kids. Pre-registration and pre-payment is required. Convenient punch cards are available.
Location: Premiere Fitness
Type: Class
Preregistration: Required
Contact: June Penniman
Phone: 440-998-3488
Cost: $3.00
Language: English

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